I can almost guarantee that he will have put on at least 5 pounds before we even leave Ukraine. He has been a veracious eater! I haven’t limited anything at this point because he can definitely use the calories. Besides, he has been eating fruit, yogurt, breads, sausages and drinking milk, juice, and water. These are all vital for his nutrition and right now I am letting him stock up. I know it helps to lower his anxiety about whether or not he is going to be fed so we will continue this trust cycle of food. J He is very smart and competitive. The competitive nature is a blessing when getting him to do what I want him too. For instance, we are learning animal names in English. For every animal flash card he names right, he gets to keep the card and the ones he gets wrong, I keep it. This morning, I had 4 cards and Vitaliy had 26! Amazing! Today I started him on ABC’s. We started with just “a” “b” and “c”. Learning to recognize what they look like and their name. I sat out 3 picture and word cards that started with different letters and asked him to identify words that started with a, b, or c. He ended up with 35 and I had 2!
So I will continue to press forward with the charge that God has called us
too. Love the least of these? Yes, I think I do! Is it easy? No, but my God is Greater, My God
is Stronger, My God is Higher than any other, My God is Healer, Awesome in
Power, that is My God. In His strength,
He will equip us to do the work He has called us to.